Radiation in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Now when you can go and visit Chernobyl and Pripyat the only moments that still may cause some concerns for you are: what current radiation level at this area today in comparison, for example, with 2018, is it still of high rate there in terms of danger, how bad it is, what is a safe radiation amount level for humans, what levels of radioactivity are harmful, dangerous and unsafe and what are healthy, safe and acceptable, how close can anyone get to the Exclusion Zone and how long you may be there.
All these questions are natural and we will try to go through all of them. In general, the answer to all these questions is — u and all people, just anyone, can still visit, go to, drive through and walk around Chernobyl. As time goes on the level of radiation has been decreasing as a result of natural decay and that’s why starting from the moment of the accident at the nuclear power plant radioactive levels reduced approximately by a factor of 10 thousand times and achieved a safe rate. But radiation expands in an uneven manner and different factors influence pollution conditions — seasonal occurrence, precipitations, wind, and so on. Therefore, some places in Chernobyl are still hazardous to visit due to their radioactivity.
Our guides often hear questions like — how much radiation was at Chernobyl straight after the blast and how much radiation is left there now. In common radiation exposure is a frequent occurrence that shouldn’t be concerned much. Almost everything in the world emits radiation: our planet, sun, buildings, people, and even apples. By way of comparison, when you fly in a plane for two hours you will receive 20 — 30 microsieverts (uSv), X-ray fluorography emits 0,6 uSv. It is considered that a harmful degree starts from 100 uSv and a lethal rate begins from 5000 uSv. For instance, background radiation in the Zone is rated at about 0,29 uSv and some spots near ChNPP run up to 2,79 uSv. In Kyiv it does not exceed 0,14 uSv.
All these moments show us that despite the Chernobyl disaster people now can travel and visit Pripyat and the rest of the Exclusion Zone. We can visit Chernobyl provided we follow the rules developed by many guides. Let’s list these rules in order to understand their importance.
All tourists visiting this abandoned area must:
Wear clothing and footgear that completely cover their body, head, feet and arms during any weather conditions.
Comply with the requirements of warning and prohibitory signs regarding nuclear safety.
Comply fully with the requirements of their guide.
Keep to approved itinerary and tour route.
Follow the rules of their personal sanitation.
Be meticulous about authorized fire safety arrangements.
The things forbidden in this Zone:
To drink alcohol and to do drugs.
To take food in the open air.
To visit this area without a guide or attendant.
To collect, use and bring out from the Exclusion Zone crop and livestock production — vegetables, fruits, berry, mushrooms, plants, fish, and other foodstuffs that grew up there.
To bring out and bring in the Zone any animals.
To make any graffiti or any other inscriptions on walls.
To drink water from wells, rivers, and other open ground sources. You may have a meal in canteens, cafés, or vehicles.
You may smoke only within specially designated areas equipped with a waste bin. Such special areas are:
Entry control points.
Observation deck near ChNPP.
Decontamination shop of individual protective gear in Pripyat.
Near the object Chernobyl-2.
Arms and flammables are prohibited. Any type of weapon is forbidden. It might bring about additional problems and combustibles may become the source of a fire. It is not allowed to start a fire as well. It is strictly prohibited to enter any abandoned residential and industrial buildings. It is forbidden to climb to the antenna located at Chernobyl-2 using a ladder or by other means, or to touch any structures and plants that can be encountered on a tour. You may not sit on the ground or put on it your personal possessions. It is dangerous to swim in ponds or get a suntan. Photo and video survey is performed only with the permission of your guide. Some sites are prohibited from photo shooting. Also, you must put on notice in advance if you want to take with you a quadrotor.
Unforgettable JourneyNow when you know all these rules you understand that Chernobyl can be visited by anyone without any danger for his/her health. We encourage and invite all tourists who can go and visit Chernobyl to join our professional team of guides and stalkers. Using dosimeter-radiometer MKS-05 “Terra P” will make your trip easy and fascinating, all our guides are equipped with all necessary tools that make every tour safe from any surprises that may happen on the way. You may purchase dosimeters at our website as well to make sure that you will be safe and sound during the whole trip. Join us and behold the magnitude of events that took place in the past century!