Radiometer “Pripyat 20.03”

Dosimeter-radiometer “Pripyat” – the device “Legend”, the device – “History”.
It is developed more then 20 years ago at the Korolev Kyiv Factory (now NPO (scientific production association) “Meridian”). The best for its time and the most popular consumer dosimeter, since 90th years of the last century and till today.
The basic technical characteristics:
The algorithm of work
The algorithm of work was rather simple – 40 second gauging, 40 second indication of result and zeroing. Developers of dosimeter-radiometer “Pripyat” have offered other scheme, more expensive and difficult element base (just imagine the magnificent ADC!) and accordingly more “advanced” possibilities. All range of measurement of exposition dose rate divided into two sub-bands, switched manually:1 -up to 1,99 mR/h.2 -up to 19,99 mR/h. Gauging time also could be chosen by the switch:20 seconds – for operative estimation of exposition dose rate (so-called “a search mode”)200 seconds – for exact measurement of equivalent dose rate. Also there was a possibility to choose by the switch a unit of measure: mR/h and mcSv/h. For the first time in a consumer appliance there was a possibility of measurement of capacity of a stream of beta particles (clumsy enough, for today’s requirements. For measurement of beta, it was necessary to execute the whole ritual: at first in a mode “beta” was measured equivalent dose rate (gamma), then from the back panel the metal cover-filter acted in was measured gamma+beta, then the first was subtracted from the second and we received quantity of beta particles. Modern devices like the Terra MKS-05 carry out all these calculations by themselves, but then – possibility to measure in consumer dosimeter capacity of a stream of beta particles, already was the big break-through.